On a post further below, I mentioned I am doing a class using the Build a Flower tin from the SU catalog, and posted a picture of the altered tin. Well, I am now getting ready for that class, and have made the 5 cards that will go into the tin. Here is a picture of the whole project:
I had SO much fun making these little 3x3 cards last night! I flipped through the catalog, looking for inspiration, then went to work. 4 of these cards were inspired by other cards and projects out of the SU catalog (see if you can figure out which ones! ;) ), but the one with 3 flowers and grass was my own idea. I hope the ladies taking this class have as much fun as I did! Of course, they won't take NEARLY as long making these cards as I did - I worked non-stop from about 7:30 pm until 1 am! I have to say these little flowers are a little intimidating to use at first. Not that they are hard to use or anything, but I am a person who has trouble making decisions, and once you have decided to use one of these, that's it! Once you stamp on the little labels, if you screw it up you can't redo it! Yikes!!! You can pull the flower off the page a few times though, before it looses it's stickiness, so that helped ease my tension. This project actually helped me get over a little of that perfectionism; using these flowers is kind of fool-proof. They all look nice, no matter how you use them, and once I got over my idea that I had to have everything "perfect", they turned out pretty perfect after all (in my opinion, anyway!)! Let me know what you think! :)
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